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Move messages from one IBM MQ Queue to a different MQ Queue based on the expiry(time to live)

I have a application where I am using IBM MQ in a Pseudo-Synchronous way. I have request Q and Response Q. This will called through service. Now there is a time out period for my service to show the response. But the actual response can be pushed to the response Q after the timeout also. Now I want to move such all delayed messages(timed out) to a separate message Q, such that they can be consumed by a different process.

Is this is possible through setting by time to live? Is any approach available in IBM MQ for such movement. Please refer below image for the scenario.


Don't use time to live because the message will expire and be deleted - unless that is what you want. From your description/picture, it sounds like you want another application to process late responses.

There is nothing in MQ that will move messages older then "x" seconds/minutes to another queue. You will need to write a program to do that. If you write a program, make sure you do the move under a unit of work.

There are several commercial programs that can do it: (1) GUI program: MQ Visual Edit and (2) Command Line (shell): MQ Batch Toolkit .

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