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SharePoint Excel Calculated formula for Column

我在我的 SharePoint 2016 本地列表中计算了字段,它检查四个 4 列并根据结果更新计算列,我使用了这个公式,但它显示了语法错误。

=IF(Column 4=ISBLANK,IF(Column 3=ISBLANK,IF(Column 2 =ISBLANK,IF(Column 1=ISBLANK,E2,Column 1),Column 2 ),Column 3),Column 4)


=IF(ISBLANK([Column 4]),IF(ISBLANK([Column 3]),IF(ISBLANK([Column 2]),IF(ISBLANK([Column 1]),"E2",[Column 1]),[Column 2]),[Column 3]),[Column 4])

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