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SharePoint Calculated Column Formula

Here's my formula:

=IF(Status="Completed",IF([JCN Type]="EDLM","UDLM",[Date Completed]+10),IF([JCN Type]="EA","TA",[Date Completed]+15))

I also want to have to be 10 or 15 work days but not really sure how to tie that in.

I found a similar thread that you created on Microsoft Q&A community, the solution has been delivered, post it here for other users' reference.

From JinweiLi-MSFT:
Please try to use this:

 =IF(Status="Completed",IF(OR([JCN Type]="EDLM",[JCN Type]="UDLM"),[Date Completed]+10,IF(OR([JCN Type]="EA",[JCN Type]="TA"),[Date Completed]+15)),"")

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