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(x | y) - y why can't it simply be x or even `x | 0`

I was reading a kernel code, and in one place I've seen an expression inside if statement like

if (value == (SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1) - 1) {

where SPINLOCK_SHARED = 0x80000000 is a predefined constant.

I wonder why do we need (SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1) - 1 - for type conversion purpose? the result of the expression would be 80000000-- same as 0x80000000, is it not? yet, why ORing 1 and Subtracting 1 matters?

Have a feeling like I am missing to get something..

The code is found in _spin_lock_contested , which is called from _spin_lock_quick when someone else is attempting to obtain the lock :

count = atomic_fetchadd_int(&spin->counta, 1);
if (__predict_false(count != 0)) {
    _spin_lock_contested(spin, ident, count);

If there's no contest, then count (the previous value) should be 0 , but it isn't. This count value is passed as parameter to _spin_lock_contested as the value parameter. This value is then checked with the if from the OP :

 * WARNING! Caller has already incremented the lock.  We must
 *      increment the count value (from the inline's fetch-add)
 *      to match.
 * Handle the degenerate case where the spinlock is flagged SHARED
 * with only our reference.  We can convert it to EXCLUSIVE.
if (value == (SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1) - 1) {
    if (atomic_cmpset_int(&spin->counta, SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1, 1))

Keeping in mind that value is the previous value of spin->counta , and the latter has already been incremented by 1, we expect spin->counta to equal value + 1 (unless something has changed in the meantime).

So, checking if spin->counta == SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1 spin->counta == SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1 (the precondition of the atomic_cmpset_int ) corresponds to checking if value + 1 == SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1 value + 1 == SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1 , which can be rewritten as value == (SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1) - 1 (again, if nothing has changed in the meantime).

While value == (SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1) - 1 could be rewritten as value == SPINLOCK_SHARED , it's left as is, to clarify the intent of the comparison (ie. to compare the incremented previous value with the test value).

Or iow. the answer appears to be : for clarity and code consistency.

I think the goal is probably to ignore the lowest significant bit:

  • If SPINLOCK_SHARED expressed in binary is xxx0 -> result is xxx0
  • If SPINLOCK_SHARED = xxx1 -> result is also xxx0

would have been perhaps clearer to use a bit mask expression ?

The effect of


is to ensure that the low-order bit of the result is cleared prior to the comparison with value . I agree that it seems rather pointless but apparently the low-order bit has a particular usage or meaning which is not apparent in this code, and I think we have to assume that the devs had a good reason for doing this. An interesting question would be - is this same pattern ( | 1) -1 ) used throughout the codebase you're looking at?

It's an obfuscated way of writing a bit mask. Readable version: value == (SPINLOCK_SHARED & ~1u) .

It was just done that way for clarity, that's all. It's because atomic_fetchadd_int() (in eg sys/spinlock2.h) returns the value PRIOR to the addition/subtraction, and that value is passed to _spin_lock_contested()

Note that the C compiler completely pre-calculates all constant expressions. In fact, the compiler can even optimize-out inlined code based on conditionals that use passed-in procedure arguments when the procedures are passed constants in those arguments. This is why the lockmgr() inline in sys/lock.h has a case statement.... because that entire case statement will be optimized out and devolve into a direct call to the appropriate function.

Also, in all of these locking functions the overhead of the atomic ops dwarf all other calculations by two or three orders of magnitude.


Most like this is done to handle several additional cases. For example, in this case, we say that SPINLOCK_SHARED can not be 1:


int res = (SPINLOCK_SHARED | 1) - 1 // 0

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