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Prevent IOS/Safari From Opening App From Link

I have an application that has an IOS app and a web app.

When a user forgets their password, they get an email with this link:


The IOS app has this domain also tied into its settings ( deep linking domain permission stuff) and when users click this link in their email on their IOS device , it opens the app - not the web page to reset their password .

Is there a way to prevent this? Open the webpage in a browser, not the app?

Adding the target="_blank" does not work.

here is the source <a> in the email: (formatted for readability)

<a style="color:#c5534d;

To fix this, I had to add a apple-app-site-association file and make this route exclusive to NOT open to the mobile app.

I had to include "NOT /myroute/*" to the paths array. The NOT prevents this route from opening the app.

The file for me looks something like this:

    "applinks": {
        "apps": [],
        "details": [
                "appID": "62AGA19JEA.com.domain.subhost",
                "paths": [
                    "NOT /SetPassword/*"

Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppSearch/UniversalLinks.html

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