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Create Unix shell script to move non empty files from Source directory to Target directory and add timestamp to them

I am trying to Create a shell script to move non empty files from Source directory to Target directory and add timestamp to them. I am using

find . -type f -size +0 -print0 | xargs -I {} -r0 mv {} $Tgt_dir/{}_`date +%m%d%Y`

but its not working. Could you please help.


You can use -printf in find to print the mv command with the full path of the source and just the basename in the destination, and pipe that to the shell:

date=$(date +%m%d%Y)
find . -type f -size +0 -printf "mv '%p' '$Tgt_dir/%f_$date'" | bash

%p is the full pathname, %f is the basename.

To move files with at least one line, write a command that counts the number of lines:

date=$(date +%m%d%Y)
find "$Src_dir" -type f -size +0 -printf "if [ $(wc -l '$p') -gt 1 ]; then mv '%p' '$Tgt_dir/%f_$date'; fi" | bash

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