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How to plot a list of Shapely points

I created a list of Shapely Point objects based on the point data set. How can I plot this list of points below?

points = [Point(-4.85624511894443, 37.1837967179202), 
          Point(-4.855703975302475, 37.18401757756585),
          Point(-4.85516283166052, 37.1842384372115),
          Point(-4.85343407576431, 37.182006629169),
          Point(-4.85347524651836, 37.1804461589773),
          Point(-4.855792124429867, 37.18108913443582),
          Point(-4.85624511894443, 37.1837967179202)]

You can get two lists of x and y coordinates by accessing x and y attributes of Point and then use, for example, plt.scatter or plt.plot functions of Matplotlib as follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Point

points = [Point(-4.85624511894443, 37.1837967179202), 
          Point(-4.855703975302475, 37.18401757756585),
          Point(-4.85516283166052, 37.1842384372115),
          Point(-4.85343407576431, 37.182006629169),
          Point(-4.85347524651836, 37.1804461589773),
          Point(-4.855792124429867, 37.18108913443582),
          Point(-4.85624511894443, 37.1837967179202)]
xs = [point.x for point in points]
ys = [point.y for point in points]
plt.scatter(xs, ys)
# or plt.plot(xs, ys) if you want to connect points by lines


If you are using Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab, you could wrap the list of points in aMultiPoint object to get an SVG image. This can be useful for debugging purposes when you want to plot something quickly without importing Matpotlib.

>>> MultiPoint(points)


the easiest way is to use Geopandas and build a GeoDataFrame .

from the tutorial:

import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point
d = {'col1': ['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5', 'P6', 'P7'], 'geometry': [Point(-4.85624511894443, 37.1837967179202), 
      Point(-4.855703975302475, 37.18401757756585),
      Point(-4.85516283166052, 37.1842384372115),
      Point(-4.85343407576431, 37.182006629169),
      Point(-4.85347524651836, 37.1804461589773),
      Point(-4.855792124429867, 37.18108913443582),
      Point(-4.85624511894443, 37.1837967179202)]}
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(d, crs="EPSG:4326")(choose your own crs)

and then just plot it:


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