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Debug Step into local Nuget Package

Warning, wall of text ahead. tl;dr I can step into a local nuget package on my computer I developed, coworkers can't. help?

I developed a nuget package on my main dev machine and pushed it to our local nuget server. I was surprised to find on my computer, I am able to step into the nuget package once referenced in other projects. My coworkers (and my other PC) are not able to step into the nuget package. I've done a lot of searching and people referncing things like setting up a symbol server or pulling pdb files etc. I'm not opposed to doing that, BUT, I didn't do any of that on my main machine where I can step into the nuget package. Literally the only thing I did is build / compile the nuget pkg and push it to the server and then open another instance of Visual Studio with a differnet project and I can step in. Can anyone help fiure out why I can step in and others can't?

I don't fully understand what happened other than perhaps it's visual studio caching symbols, but doing the following has allowed my other machine and a coworker's PC to step into our nuget package. I initially published the nuget package with this command dotnet nuget push GenRepo.1.0.10.nupkg -s

  1. Close all instances of Visual Studio
  2. Pull nuget package source code onto coworker machine
  3. Build and compile nuget package code and ensure the option to create .nupkg on build is selected
  4. Open another Visual Studio instance with the other project that is referencing the nuget package
  5. All of the sudden coworker can step into the nuget package

As I said, I don't fully understand what's happened here as I didn't set up a symbol server or anything of that nature.


One thing to note, we had to move the file paths for the solution files on my coworkers computer to match mine before it worked

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