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Cannot connect to Flask-Eve API

I'm trying to use Eve to manipulate data on MongoDB. I followed the Eve's official instruction to test the result, then failed.

Eve's official instruction for quick-start

touch 2 files in a same document as below


from eve import Eve
app = Eve()

if __name__ == '__main__':

DOMAIN = {'people': {}}


Afterward I type $ python run.py to launch API in command line, and nothing happend. It should tell me the address as the official instruction told.

#It should be like this
$ python run.py
 * Running on

$ curl -i
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 82
Server: Eve/0.0.5-dev Werkzeug/0.8.3 Python/2.7.3
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 16:06:44 GMT

#My situation
$ python run.py
 * nothing

$ curl -i
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 5000: Connection refused

I really have no idea how to deal with it.

Try following way and see if it works


from eve import Eve
from flask_sslify import SSLify

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = Eve()

I had the same issue. I installed Flask-SSLify and it worked.

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