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How do i update Auth0 lock logo from my React App using hooks

I am using auth0 "@auth0/auth0-spa-js": "^1.6.0" hooks for my react app.
How do i change the default logo forom auth0 in login lock? The logo i want to change is highlited by red

在此处输入图片说明 I have already updated the Application Logo in dashboad, but its still not showing.
Thanks in advance :D

Assuming you are using Universal Login you can go to Auth0 Dashboard > Universal Login page and turn on Customize Login Page toggle.

Once you have done that find the theme option for Auth0 Lock configuration. I should look like this

theme: {
        //logo:            'YOUR LOGO HERE',
        primaryColor:    colors.primary ? colors.primary : 'green'

Uncomment the logo property and point to the image url for your logo. For logo and other customizations of Auth0 Lock please refer to official documentation here

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