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How can I get a reference to a label so I can change one of it's properties?

I wrote this method to disable the autosize property of all labels whose name doesn't contain the string "Label".

private void DisableAutoSize()
        foreach (Control control in Controls)
            if (!control.Name.Contains("Label"))
                (control as Label).AutoSize = false;

The line below is what causes the problem:

(control as Label).AutoSize = false;

The error I get says:

System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' (... as System.Windows.Forms.Label) returned null.

How can I access that AutoSize property?

filter Controls by type and apply search condition using LINQ methods OfType() and Where():

private void DisableAutoSize()
    foreach (Label control in Controls.OfType<Label>().Where(c => !c.Name.Contains("Label")))
         control.AutoSize = false;

You are looping through all of the Control s in the form, at least one of which isn't a Label . Thus, the cast fails. In your loop, check for this condition:

private void DisableAutoSize()
  foreach (Control control in Controls)
    Label label = control as Label;
    if (label == null || control.Name.Contains("Label"))

   label.AutoSize = false;   

The issue with your code is that Controls could contain non-Label controls as well. If you were cast a non-Label Control as Control ( control as Label ), it would return null. This is the reason you end up with NullReferenceException .

You can Filter Label Controls using Enumerable.OfType<T> method. For example,

foreach (Label control in Controls.OfType<Label>())
   if (!control.Name.Contains("Label"))
      control.AutoSize = false;

You can further expand the Linq to filter Labels based on the Name property using Enumerable.Where<T> , thus removing the if condition.

foreach (Label control in Controls.OfType<Label>().Where(x=>!x.Name.Contains("Label")))
   control.AutoSize = false;

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