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How to enable TabNine semantic completion in VS Code?

TabNine is a deep-learning-based extension that helps in coding. As said in the doc we should type in TabNine::sem to enable semantic completion in the text editor, I did not get it. Where and how to run this command on order to enable that feature?

You have to type TabNine::sem directly in the same place you type your code, but in new line and press enter.

function yourfunction(){
[...your code here...]

There are good docs, official: TabNine Semantic Completion

To get semantic completion working:

Type TabNine::sem to enable semantic completion in your text editor . If you don't see any message, then semantic completion is working.

Verify you are running TabNine 1.0.5 or above by typing TabNine::version in your text editor . If you're running an earlier version, try restarting your editor.

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