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How can i get my code to recognize my array values?

I want to output my userdata in a html table. First I do a sql-query an get the multidimensional array 'users'. Now I want to output my data but I get an 'undefined variable: user' error in my html output. The array $users is known in my code. The error only appears in the frontend but not in the IDE.

<? foreach( $users as $user ): ?>
         <td><?= $user['M_ID'] ?></td>
         <td><?= $user['Username'] ?></td>
         <td><?= $user['E-Mail'] ?></td>
<? endforeach; ?>

The ability to use <? ?> <? ?> is defined in your php.ini file. likely your server php.ini config is not configed for supporting this. so change your code to :

<?php foreach( $users as $user ): ?>
         <td><?= $user['M_ID'] ?></td>
         <td><?= $user['Username'] ?></td>
         <td><?= $user['E-Mail'] ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>

also thanks to @jeto`s comment

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