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how to add extra data with sync method laravel

I am using Laravel and I have three tables: products, features, and feature_product that third table has one extra column "value" that I want add value of each feature while syncing

so sync method is working without value but whenever I want to send value it gives me error

here is my code

      foreach($request->get('feature') as $featureName)
          $feature = Feature::find($featureName);
            $featureIds[] = $feature->id;


here is my error

General error: 1364 Field 'value' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into feature_product ( feature_id , product_id ) values (11, 99))

I konw this is because I did not send value for that , I want to know How can I do this

You're missing pivot value in sync that why you're getting this error.

    $featureIds = array();
    foreach($request->get('feature') as $featureName)
      $feature = Feature::find($featureName);

        $featureIds[$feature->id] = ['value'=>'yourvalue'];


Try to make this kinda array to sync.

$product->features()->sync( array( 
    1 => array( 'value' => 'xyz' ),
    2 => array( 'value' => 'abc' ),

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