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How to represent and read 4D array in Opl Cplex from Excel

How can I represent and read a 4D array from Excel to Opl Cplex? The 3D IBM array link is not helpful, trying to adapt to 4D does not work.

First you can use SheetRead to read a tuple set "input" from Excel:

tuple t
string k;
string l;
string i;
string t;
float cost;


{t} input=...; 

and then convert this tuple set into a 4D array:

float cost[K][L][I][T];



    for(var x in input) cost[x.k][x.l][x.i][x.t]=x.cost;


NB: I dealt with this at https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/forums/html/topic?id=bcaea400-c839-4f12-85bc-4750c48d68f3&ps=25

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