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Azure IoT EdgeHub and C# IoT Hub SDK Version Compatibility

Is there a way to tell which versions of EdgeHub system module are compatible with versions of the C# Devices.Client IoT SDK?

In the release notes for EdgeHub it mentions of updating the C# SDK if used, but the most recent release references SDK version: 1.20.3 which is a minor version behind the current SDK release: 1.21.3

Is it safe to use the latest stable versions of both? If not is there a compatibility table somewhere to reference?

The 1.0.9 RC (pre-release) version references version 1.21.3 of the SDK.

If your question is: can I use the most recent version of the Devices.Client SDK for my custom modules, my answer would be: yes. Since your custom module is in fact a Docker Container, it runs as an isolated process and should not be affected by the version of that assembly that is in use by the edgeHub or edgeAgent modules.

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