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How to make these Mocap Animation FBX's work with Unity?

The ones here (any of them)... http://dancedb.eu/main/performances

I'm trying to figure out how to apply these FBX's to my humanoid, rigged model in Unity.

When I import the FBX and toggle it open, it shows this: https://i.imgur.com/6si7ptX.png

and I can't hit Ctrl+D on any of those to Duplicate it into an *.anim (That's what a Google search recommended)

So, where am I going wrong? How do I apply these animations to my rigged humanoid character in Unity? I'm quite a noob, so please excuse me. Been Googling for a while...

Use Humanoid Retargeting .

You may have better luck using the BVH files from the website you linked and using a BVH importer here .

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