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Inserting Multiple Data rows with a Loop in MySQL and PHP

Hi I am working on a project, and i am with days stuck in this little problem...

I have two tables, "Bosses" and "Events" . One Event can have one or more Bosses.

So what i want is inserting a new Event, and insert all the bosses that i choose. Actually is only inserting the last that i am selecting.

The Database数据库


include "../paginas/conexion.php";

$nombr_reg = $_POST['nombr_reg'];
$descr_reg = $_POST['descr_reg'];
$fecre_reg = $_POST['fecre_reg'];
$statu_reg = 1;
$ident_ref = 1;

$sqlInsert = "
        INSERT INTO tab_reg(nombr_reg,descr_reg,fecre_reg,statu_reg) 
        VALUES ('$nombr_reg', '$descr_reg', '$fecre_reg', '$statu_reg')";       

    mysqli_query($conexion, $sqlInsert);

    $lastInsertId = mysqli_insert_id($conexion);

    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($_POST['ident_jef']); $i++) {
        $jefes = array($_POST['ident_jef']);
        $sqlInsertItem = "
        INSERT INTO det_reg(ident_reg, ident_jef) 
        VALUES ('$lastInsertId', '$jefes[$i]')";            
        mysqli_query($conexion, $sqlInsertItem);


  //header('location: ../paginas/registro_registro_exito.php');


What the Form looks like表格的样子

And this is what te print_r(); 's are showing:

INSERT INTO tab_reg(nombr_reg,descr_reg,fecre_reg,statu_reg) VALUES ('PRUEBA 123', 'PRUEBA 123', '2019-12-25', '1') INSERT INTO det_reg(ident_reg, ident_jef) VALUES ('122', '')Array ( [0] => 3 )

I know that the problem is with the for, or maybe i have to use a foreach, but i am really confused.

Thanks to everyone and Happy New Year!

I think you have problem in assign array to a new array in for loop. Try this:

$stmt = mysqli_prepare($conexion, "INSERT INTO det_reg(ident_reg, ident_jef) 
         VALUES (?, ?)");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['ident_jef']); $i++) { //you have an array here
         $jefes = $_POST['ident_jef'];             
         mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'ii', $lastInsertId, $jefes[$i]);            

Here is the test example:

    "Title 1",
    "Title 2",
    "Title 3"
$desc = "Description";

$stmt = mysqli_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO table1(title, description) VALUES (?, ?)");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { //you have an array here
     $jefes = $array;
     var_dump("Test" . $i);
     mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'ss', $jefes[$i], $desc);    

Mysql Table 1:


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