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Using Linq for XDocument Element value

I have the following in an XML example:

   <customer cid="1234">
     <ack id="6000" error="false">
          <message>cust created</message>
          <message>cust setup created</message>
   <customer cid="5678">
     <ack id="7000" error="true">
          <message>over the limit</message>

Then I have XDocument and Linq that works great for the following two values I need ack id and ack error:

XDocument CustResponse = XDocument.Load('path');

var custAck = from c in CustResponse.Root.DescendantsAndSelf("ack")
                                   select new { CustId = c.Attribute("id").Value, Error = c.Attribute("error").Value

What I also need is in the select a ErrorMessage and for the error shown in the above XML if the error="true" the "message" element value. How can I get that? I would also take the error false message if possible just the first message element in the first info if any easier but I need mostly the error element message in my results don't really need the message of the error false.

Thanks all

Try following :

            XDocument CustResponse = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);

            var custAck = CustResponse.Root.DescendantsAndSelf("ack")
                .Select(c => new { 
                    CustId = (string)c.Attribute("id"), 
                    Error = (string)c.Attribute("error"),
                    messages = c.Descendants("message").Select(x => (string)x).ToList()


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