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Kendo Ui grid calculate and display sum of total price in the textbox

I had this simple demo that I created. Need help how to achieve this?

  1. Price value can be change based on quantity input. I want the textbox to display total sum of price. It also can be dynamic change based on quantity input in the grid.

  2. why my format {0:n2} for "2 decimal point" not working, example price is 3.00 but it only display 3 in my template column?

Working demo in dojo

Try this

 $("#totalPrice").kendoNumericTextBox({ spinners: false, format: "{0:c2}", decimals: 2, restrictDecimals: true }); var grid = $('#grid').kendoGrid({ dataSource: { data: [{ 'id': 'A1','quantity': 1,'price': 9.91 }, { 'id': 'B1', 'quantity': 1, 'price': 3.00 }, { 'id': 'C1', 'quantity': 1, 'price': 1.23 }], schema: { model: { id: "id", fields: { id : { editable: false }, quantity : { type: "number", editable: true , validation: { min: 0 } }, price : { type: "number", editable: true } } } } }, editable: true, //"incell", //editable: "incell", // toolbar: [{ name: "create", text: "Add" }], columns: [ { field: "id", title: "id" }, { field: "quantity", title: "quantity" }, { field: "price", format:"{0:c2}", editable: false }, { command: ["destroy"], title: " " } ], edit: function(e) { $('[name="quantity"]').change( function(){ var newQuantity = parseInt($(this).val()); var oldQuantity = parseInt(e.model.quantity); var oldPrice = parseFloat(e.model.price); if (newQuantity > 0){ if(oldQuantity > 0){ var newPrice = ( oldPrice / oldQuantity) * newQuantity; } else { var newPrice = oldPrice * newQuantity; } e.model.set("price", newPrice); var oldTotalPrice = $("#totalPrice").val(); var newTotalPrice = oldTotalPrice - oldPrice + newPrice; $("#totalPrice").data("kendoNumericTextBox").value(newTotalPrice); } }); }, dataBound: function(e) { var gridData = $("#grid").data().kendoGrid.dataSource.view(); let total_price = 0; gridData.forEach(element => { total_price = total_price + element.price; }); $("#totalPrice").data("kendoNumericTextBox").value(total_price); } });
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