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Unexpected behaviour for saving the value in decimal column in clickhouse

When save the value (0.0003) in decimal column (Decimal(12,4)) in Clickhouse, the saved value was 0.0002.
Why is it behaved like this?
But when I did insert by SQL directly, I was able to save it without a problem.
Which means, the go program that I wrote is wrong?

■ create table

CREATE TABLE test_ch (
    id Decimal(12,4),
    created_at DateTime
) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY toYYYYMMDD(created_at) ORDER BY (created_at);

■ source

import (

    sq "github.com/Masterminds/squirrel"

var ConnectCH *sql.DB

func main() {

func insert() error {
    return Exec(func(tx *sql.Tx) error {
        prepare, _, _ := sq.Insert("test_ch").
        stmt, _ := tx.Prepare(prepare)

        createdAt := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
        if _, err := stmt.Exec(
        ); err != nil {
            return err
        return nil

func recoverAndRollback(tx *sql.Tx) {
    if r := recover(); r != nil {

func Exec(t func(*sql.Tx) error) error {
    tx, err := ConnectCH.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer recoverAndRollback(tx)
    if err := t(tx); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func SetClickHouse() error {
    var err error

    url := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%s", "clickhouse", "9000")
    ConnectCH, err = sql.Open("clickhouse", url)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if err := ConnectCH.Ping(); err != nil {
        if exception, ok := err.(*clickhouse.Exception); ok {
            fmt.Printf("[%d] %s \n%s\n", exception.Code, exception.Message, exception.StackTrace)
        } else {
        return err

    return nil

■ output

when id = 0.0001
FROM test_ch

│ 0.0002 │ 2020-01-09 01:59:33 │

is OK

when id = 0.0002
 SELECT * FROM test_ch ┌─────id─┬──────────created_at─┐ │ 0.0002 │ 2020-01-09 01:59:33 │ └────────┴─────────────────────┘

is OK

when id = 0.0003
 SELECT * FROM test_ch ┌─────id─┬──────────created_at─┐ │ 0.0002 │ 2020-01-09 02:00:30 │ └────────┴─────────────────────┘

Why is it 0.0002?


SELECT CAST(toFloat64('0.0003'), 'Decimal(12, 8)')    
┌─CAST(toFloat64('0.0003'), 'Decimal(12, 8)')─┐
│                                  0.00029999 │

SELECT CAST('0.0003', 'Decimal(12, 8)')
┌─CAST('0.0003', 'Decimal(12, 8)')─┐
│                       0.00030000 │

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