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Incorrect Editor View for QML in Qt Design Studio

This is Qt Design Studio, not Qt Quick Designer but it might be the same.

I made a component,


Column {
    id: column
    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
    spacing: Style.paneTitleOffset

    property string title
    property alias inside: inner_space.sourceComponent

    DefaultText {
        text: qsTr(title)

    Pane {
        id: pane

        background: Rectangle {
            color: "#283547"
            radius: Style.rectangleCornerRadius

        Loader {
            id: inner_space

And I'm using it like this:

PaneWithTitle {
    title: "Recovery"
    inside: ColumnLayout {
        id: rows

        TextFieldWithTitle {
            id: seed_input
            title: qsTr("Seed")

        TextFieldWithTitle {
            id: password_input
            title: qsTr("Password")

        RowLayout {
            id: columns

            Button {
                id: back_button
                text: qsTr("Back")

            Button {
                id: confirm_button
                text: qsTr("Confirm")

When I run it, it looks fine in Live Preview. But inside the editor, size of the pane background is being 0.


Is there an elegant solution for this?

It's hard to find an absolute fix for that, looks like there is a bug in Form Editor items hierarchy, but you can at least slightly improve how it's shown. If you can, please also submit your issue as a QDS bug report .

You can remove Loader , replace Loader.sourceComponent with pane.contentItem and wrap PaneWithTitle.qml content with Item . Code will look like that:

Item {
    id: root
    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter

    property string title
    property alias inside: pane.contentItem

    Column {
        id: column
        anchors.fill: parent
        spacing: Style.paneTitleOffset

        Text {
            text: qsTr(title)

        Pane {
            id: pane

            background: Rectangle {
                color: "#283547"
                radius: Style.rectangleCornerRadius

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