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Find all files by name recursively, decrypt and rename them using shell script

I'm trying to write a script to find all of the files with .production in names, decrypt those files and save copies of them without .production .

Example files:


Here is my code:

decrypt() {
  echo $1

  for file in $(find . -name "*.$1.*")
      echo "some $file"
      openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -a -d -salt -pass pass:asdffdsa -in $file -out $(sed -e "p;s/.$1//")

$(sed -e "p;s/.$1//") is the part that hangs. You can check that out by adding set -x and executing your script. This is because sed expectes an input file/stream, and there is none given to it.

You could rather use bash substring replacement "${file//.$1}"


All occurrences of the content after // is replaced in the main string, with the content after the last /

So, the working function would be

decrypt() {
  echo $1

  for file in $(find . -name "*.$1.*")
      echo "some $file"
      openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -a -d -salt -pass pass:asdffdsa -in $file -out "${file//.$1}"

You can avoid the subshell $(find . -name " .$1. ") by using a while loop.

decrypt() {
  echo "$1"
  local file
  while read -r file; do
    echo "some $file"
  done < <(find . -name "*.$1.*")


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