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Vue Infinite Update Loop in Component Render Function

I am getting Vue warning as

infinite update loop in component render function

. I am writing a unit test and getting this warning. I am using Vuetify's data table for displaying data. My code is as follows:

    <template v-slot:header.admin="{ header }">
      <span> {{header.text}}</span>
<template v-slot:item.admin="{ item }">
      <v-checkbox class="cb-center cb-admin" v-model="item.admin" @change="updateUserPermission(item)"></v-checkbox>

如果您使用的是 Vue Test Utils >v1.0.0-beta29 版本,您可能会遇到这个问题: https : //github.com/vuejs/vue-test-utils/issues/1407

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