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Spring Data MongoDB how to set index ttl from system property

Preferably, using the @Indexed annotation, or some other declarative way, is it possible to inject a system property, preferably using SPeL.

I have tried the following but found expireAfterSeconds gives error because it wants an int:

@Document(collection = "#{@xyzUpdates.collectionName}")
public class UpdatesFromXyz {

    private UUID resourceId;

    @Indexed(expireAfterSeconds = "#{@xyzUpdates.maxRecords}")
    private LocalDate updateDate;


and my properties class:

public class XyzUpdates {

    private String collectionName = "updatesFromXyz";
    private int maxRecords;

从 SpringData MongoDB 2.2 开始,您可以使用expireAfter接受数字值,后跟它们的度量单位或 Spring 模板表达式。

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