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How to remove empty elements from nested arrays

I have the following array named parsedAutor and I need to remove the empty elements from the nested arrays.

  ['John Doe', '', 'CPF 000.000.000-00'],
  ['30/05/2018 - Vara de Delitos de Roubo e Extorsão'],
  ['John Doe', '', 'CPF 000.000.000-00'],
  ['29/02/2016 - 1ª Vara Criminal'],
  ['John Doe', '', 'CPF 000.000.000-00'],
  ['18/02/2016 - 3º Juizado Especial Cível'],
  ['John Doe', '', 'CPF 000.000.000-00'],
  ['18/02/2016 - 3º Juizado Especial Cível']

How do I manage to do it? I've been trying to map the elements and then filter them, but it's not working and I think I'm doing it wrong.

Here's what I've been trying to do.

const autor = $('div[class="espacamentoLinhas"]').toArray();

let parsedAutor = autor.map((x) => x.children[2].data.trim());


parsedAutor = parsedAutor.map((x) => x.split('\n').map((y) => y.trim()));


// note that the code above is just to get the context from where I taking the values,  please focus on the code below

const filteredAutor = parsedAutor.map((x) => {
  x.filter((y) => y !== '');


But it returns me eight undefined values, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Your code is almost correct! You need to return the filter on x, or shorten it.

const filteredAutor = parsedAutor.map((x) => x.filter((y) => y !== ''));


const filteredAutor = parsedAutor.map((x) => {
    return x.filter((y) => y !== '');

You Need return the filter on x, or shorten it. return a value from your map() callback, either by using the return statement or removing the braces to make it an expression arrow function.

const filteredAutor = parsedAutor.map((x) => x.filter((y) => y !== ''));


const filteredAutor = parsedAutor.map((x) => {
    return x.filter((y) => y !== '');


You need to return the value from map .

const filteredAutor = parsedAutor.map((x) => {
   return x.filter((y) => y !== '');

Or else just do

const filteredAutor = parsedAutor.map(x => x.filter(y => y !== ''));

may be this one ?

 let myDoubleArray = [ [ 'Gladson de Lima Cameli', '', 'CPF 434.611.072-04' ] , [ '30/05/2018 - Vara de Delitos de Roubo e Extorsão' ] , [ 'Gladson de Lima Cameli', '', 'CPF 434.611.072-04' ] , [ '29/02/2016 - 1ª Vara Criminal' ] , [ 'Gladson de Lima Cameli', '', 'CPF 434.611.072-04' ] , [ '18/02/2016 - 3º Juizado Especial Cível' ] , [ 'Gladson de Lima Cameli', '', 'CPF 434.611.072-04' ] , [ '18/02/2016 - 3º Juizado Especial Cível' ] ] // remove empty elements for (let inArr of myDoubleArray) { for(let i = inArr.length;i--;) { if (inArr[i]==='') inArr.splice(i,1) } } console.log(myDoubleArray)

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