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Running python scripts on windows 10 cmd just by typing python nameofthescript.py

I can't run python scripts just by typing python nameofthescript.py on Windows 10 cmd . The only way to make it work is by typing python followed by space and C:\script\directory\nameofthefile.py .

I just would like to use a quick way to run python scripts. Already tried to type py instead of python.

I've already added the directory to the PATH environment variable. Have not been able to find the answer online. If more information is needed to solve the problem, I can try to provide it.

dpath is the equivalent to path for data files. Type dpath /? note it was once called append and the help hasn't been updated.

That answers your question as you've asked.

Perhaps you should have asked how do I just type my script name ?


associate .py with the python interpreter.

Use commands ftype and assoc

ftype PythonScript=c:\pathtofolder\python.exe %*

assoc .py=PythonScript

Then add your SCRIPT path to the path command

Setx path "%path%;C:\MyPythonScriptFolder"

Set path=%path%;C:\MyPythonScriptFolder"

Then tell windows command prompt to assume.py files are executable so it will search the path for it.

Set pathext=%pathext%;.py

Your command prompt should be in the folder with the file in it. Eg, if you cd C:\script\directory then you could python nameofthescript.py

Check if your file has permission to be executed. I'm not familiar with Windows, but on Linux it's chmod +x name_of_file.py , or with sudo, if you need root privileges. Also, check your python default version, because in most cases python calls python2.7 and not python3...

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