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Oracle Rownum, get nth row

How do I get the nth(2nd) row from a list of results and if the 2nd row (column 2) is a certain number do not print anything.

Select * from
(select s.id_numeric,
         Count(1) over() as cnt
  from   sample s 
  where  s.client_id = upper ('128336A') 
  and    s.id_numeric between 12325 and 12327
  and    s.fas_sample_type = sample_pkg.get_soil_sample
  and    s.status = sample_pkg.get_authorised_sample
  and    s.flg_released = constant_pkg.get_true)
Where cnt > 1

Hmm, I thought it would be easy but it took me about 10 minutes to solve.

select * 
  from (select rownum row_num, 
               /* here_goes_rest_of_subquery */ 
         fetch first 2 rows only) sub_q
  where ...
  order by sub_q.row_num desc
  fetch first 1 row only;

Please note your subquery has no "order by" part and you want the nth row of the result. Thus you may end up getting different results on different clients.

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