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How can I create a Pandas column based on another column with a date?

My csv has:

Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume,dOpen,dHigh,dLow,dClose,dVolume

I am doing:

    spy_data = pd.read_csv('data/SPY_daily.csv')
    spy_data['day_of_week'] = spy_data.apply(
        lambda row: datetime.strptime(row['Date'],  "%m/%d/%Y"))

But I get an error

KeyError: ('Date', 'occurred at index Date')

What am I doing incorrectly?

You also need to specify axis=1 when using apply() function in order to indicate that it should be applied on row-level.

axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns'}, default 0

Axis along which the function is applied:

  • 0 or 'index': apply function to each column.

  • 1 or 'columns': apply function to each row.

The following should do the trick:

spy_data = pd.read_csv('data/SPY_daily.csv')
spy_data['day_of_week'] = spy_data.apply(
    lambda row: datetime.strptime(row['Date'],  "%m/%d/%Y"), axis=1)

instead of using apply it's better to treat the date as a proper datetime and use functionality of dt methods


spy_data = pd.read_csv(StringIO(your_data),sep=',')
spy_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(spy_data['Date'])

day_of_week = spy_data['Date'].dt.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")


0    01/29/1993
1    02/01/1993
2    02/02/1993
3    02/03/1993
4    02/04/1993
Name: Date, dtype: object

if your date is set to your index :

Index(['01/29/1993', '02/01/1993', '02/02/1993', '02/03/1993', '02/04/1993'], dtype='object')

The issue is that pandas.read_csv puts the first column as a index of your dataframe, so it is not in columns. In order to avoid it you should explicitly say pandas to not do this:

spy_data = pd.read_csv('data/SPY_daily.csv', index_col=False)

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