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How to implement Callback(Kotlin) before use Kotlin lib in Android Java

Can you help me integrating a lib in Android (Java)? I have an issue in setOnRangeListener from Kotlin to Java.

In Java


example Function In Kotlin

calendar_view.setOnRangeSelectedListener { startDate, endDate, startLabel, endLabel ->
    departure_date.text = startLabel
    return_date.text = endLabel

This will be called when the only a single day is selected for both SINGLE and RANGE type

calendar_view.setOnStartSelectedListener { startDate, label ->
    departure_date.text = label
    return_date.text = "-"

fun setOnStartSelectedListener(callback: (startDate: Date, label: String) -> Unit) {
    mOnStartSelectedListener = callback

fun setOnRangeSelectedListener(callback: (startDate: Date, endDate: Date, startLabel: String, endLabel: String) -> Unit) {
    mOnRangeSelectedListener = callback

How to implement this function?

Something like this in java, but I cant see the name of your interface so i leave this option :

custCalendar.setOnRangeSelectedListener(new OnRangeSelectedListener() {
    public void onRangeSelected(@NonNull Object1 object, @NonNull Object2 object2) {


i think you can call it in class java try this code

  // use parameters of function there

  return null

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