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How to pipe input to gsutil cp from stdin?

I am looking for a way to pipe the data into gsutil cp:

echo '<html>foobar</html>' | gsutil cp --stdin gs://my-bucket/foo

the -I option is for reading filepaths, not the data.. gsutil help cp says:


So yeah I am looking for a way to send files to GS via stdin.

Looks like it works using - like so:

echo '<html>foobar</html>' | gsutil cp - gs://my-bucket/foo

in my opinion, a --stdin flag would be more explicit and preferred.

From the docs :

You can use the -I option with stdin to specify a list of URLs to copy, one per line. This allows you to use gsutil in a pipeline to upload or download objects as generated by a program:

cat filelist | gsutil -m cp -I gs://my-bucket 


cat filelist | gsutil -m cp -I ./download_dir 

where the output of cat filelist is a list of files, cloud URLs, and wildcards of files and cloud URLs.

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