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R Plotly density plot argument 'x' must be numeric

I am fairly new to R so excuse my baby steps in plotly. I am trying to compute density curves for total time spent

# Compute density curves
d.Bardoc <- AeDec %>%
  filter(Bardoc == 1) %>%  
  density(AeDec$TotalTimeinAE) ##, na.rm = TRUE) 

But I keep getting the following error:

Error in density.default(., AeDec$TotalTimeinAE) : 
argument 'x' must be numeric  

I've checked that TotalTimeinAE is numeric with str(AeDec) :

$ TotalTimeinAE: num  315 94 470 29 17 9 11 101 23 107 ...

What do I need to do to be able to calculate density curve for this variable?

A couple of options:

1. Try taking density out of pipe:

f.AeDec <- AeDec %>%
  filter(Bardoc == 1) 

d.Bardoc <- density(f.AeDec$TotalTimeinAE)

2. Try selecting your variable and unlist before piping:

d.Bardoc <- AeDec %>%
  filter(Bardoc == 1) %>%
  select(TotalTimeinAE) %>%
  unlist %>%

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