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How to import this csv to R

I have no idea how to import this dataset into R. I tried the read.csv function in many different variations by changing the arguments, but all I get is a dataframe with 63 observations of 1 variable. There should be a lot more variables. Please help me

First download the file into L . Then remove the double quotes at the beginning of each line and replace each semicolon possibly preceded with a double quote with a newline. Next replace each occurrence of two double quotes in a row with one double quote. Now read that with read.csv .

u <- "https://www.dropbox.com/sh/273oj4ah8c4wu98/AACuIQDpIEfrqfVvJWu-mTD1a/associativePersonality.csv?dl=1"
L <- readLines(u)
L2 <- gsub('^"', "", L)
L3 <- gsub('"?;', '\n', L2)
L4 <- gsub('""', '"', L3)
d <- read.csv(text = L4, as.is = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)

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