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Javascript loop works the first time ran, but gives NaN the second time without logic

I'm developing a javascript game and am altering values from a JSON file through a loop. The loop however occasionally replaces the values it should alter with "NaN" and grabs a random letter from the prefix word of the array. I tried debugging the values and putting in fixed creature values, but that has made me none the wiser.

The code works THE FIRST TIME RAN in JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/ezwad5mL/2/ but whenever you run it a second time, it overwrites the values in the loop with NaN and the letter. I think it's because the function random_int needs 2 values but it only inputs 1 the second time you run it, which is somehow the same value from the previous input (which it altered in the second For loop). What I don't understand is how this code doesn't reset the storedDungeon if it fires the second time.

I understand the problem I think, but I have no clue what's wrong with what I wrote and why it does okay the first time, but screws up the second time.

function random_item(items){
  return items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)];

function random_int(min, max) {
 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

var storedDungeon = []

const jsonCreatures = {
   "easy":  [
     { "name": "Scorchbird", "hp": [6,13], "prefix": ["Weak", "Small", "Young", "Wild"], 
       "damage": [1,5], "droprateCommon": [0,60], "droprateRare": [70, 90]},
     { "name": "Reanimated Corpse", "hp": [8,15], "prefix": ["Weak", "Festering"], "damage": 
       [3,5], "droprateCommon": [0,40], "droprateRare": [50, 80]}

var randNumber = 2

for (let i = 0; i < randNumber; i++) {
  let randomObject = random_item(jsonCreatures.easy)

for (let o = 0; o < storedDungeon.length; o++) {
  storedDungeon[o].hp = random_int(storedDungeon[o].hp[0], storedDungeon[o].hp[1])
  storedDungeon[o].damage = random_int(storedDungeon[o].damage[0],storedDungeon[o].damage[1])
  storedDungeon[o].prefix = random_item(storedDungeon[o].prefix)


To understand the problem we need to understand how arrays work. The following example may open your eyes to the problem.

const creatures = [
    name: 'Scorchbird'

const dungeon = []
dungeon[0].name = 'Reference to the object!'

// [
//   {
//     name: 'Reference to the object!'
//   }
// ]

When we add a creature (object) to our dungeon array


we actually add a reference to the original object, not a copy of it.

This means that when you do

storedDungeon[o].hp = random_int(

you alter the original creatures objects and their properties.

In this case the array hp: [6, 13] is replaced with a random (single!) number, for example hp: 8 And when your code runs the second time there is now hp array to do hp[0] and hp[1] , just a single number. This is why the function random_int returns NaN (not a number).

The same effect happens with the damage and with the prefix. However because prefix is a string the random_item function will return a random character in this string. That's because the characters of a string can be accessed by their index like in an array: "im a string"[1] = "m"

I think Nico Gräf's explanation is correct. To fix this, you can create a clone of the object and have it pushed to the storedDungeon .


Please note that spread syntax doesn't deep clone your object. So it only works to the first level of the object, which should be fine with your current design.

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