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Siebel crm , how to open url on another machine?

I login to Siebel Retail - ENU crm server using exe and then it opens up URL http://host:8080/start.swe in internet explorer . but when i try to open same url ( http://host:8080/start.swe ) on different machine using ip of siebel server then i get error as : "This site can't be reacheds server IP address could not be found. Search Google for sbl 15ps9 8080 start ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" or taking to log to respond . please find below image for error error screenshot of browser

also when i copy paste same url in new tab then session gets lots .

您正在使用“Siebel 专用客户端”,并且您只能在本地通过一个会话使用它。

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