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How do I undo mergeouts on a branch in clearcase?


I am in a situation where in order to promote code cleanly, views with a certain number have to be branched in a coordinated way as such:


Each view of a certain product must be branched from its product branch.


I am in a situation where I accidentally created a product specific view, but off of the dev branch. Below is the situation I am in:

/some/dir/here@@/main/dev/view_prod1_dev__456_textDescription <-- The erroneous branch

Attempted solution

I tried this command to get rid of the erroneous branch:

ct rmbranch /some/dir/here@@/main/dev/view_prod1_dev__456_textDescription

But I got this error:

Checking for mergeouts on branch [view_prod1_dev__456_textDescription] ...
ERROR: Cannot delete a WI branch that has mergeouts
cleartool: Warning: Trigger "TRG_PRE_RMBRANCH" has refused to let rmbranch proceed.
cleartool: Error: Unable to remove branch "/some/dir/here@@/main/dev/view_prod1_dev__456_textDescription"

Based on the error, I need to get rid of the mergeouts for this branch. Thus my question...


How do I undo the mergeouts of a specific clearcase branch?

Assuming base ClearCase here, you do aa ct lstree --graph on some file to see if they are merged to other branch version.

That is: check if you see a red arrow, as seen in " Find all unmerged files/elements in ClearCase ".
That answer includes a cleartool find which would give you all the merged elements between two branches.

For each element version involve in that merge (again, assuming base ClearCase), you can:

  • describe that version and find the merge hyperlink coming from it.
  • do a cleartool rmhlink Merge@xxxxx@/vobs/yourvob , removing said hyperlink.

Once there is no more merge hyperlink from view_prod1_dev__456_textDescription , the TRG_PRE_RMBRANCH should not block the rmbranch anymore.

See cleartool rmhlink , and the previous question: " How do I search for specific kinds of merge hyperlinks in ClearCase? ".

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