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How do you check for a merge in Clearcase?

I'm trying to figure out how to look at a file's merge history in Clearcase. I know it can be done graphically, but I need it returned to stdout.

ct lshistory <file>

returns the file history, but unless it's specifically commented you don't know what has been merged to what. I basically have three branches: main, int, and dev. I'm trying to determine if there are versions in the dev branch past what has been merged and labeled to the int branch.

This is about finding the merge hyperlinks: see " How files and directories are merged "


The find and lsvtree -merge commands can locate versions with Merge hyperlinks.

The -merge option allows to:

Includes all versions that are at the from-end of one or more merge arrows (hyperlinks of type Merge). Annotations on each such version indicate the corresponding to-objects.

You will find script examples in that thread , usually about finding versions not merged in a branch, but the idea remains the same.

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