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Rest API No action was found on the controller

I call your experience to help me solve a problem. I have this code:

public class FanController : ApiController

    public async Task<object> ImportAwb([FromBody]JObject data) 
            string username = data["username"].ToString();
            string clientId = data["clientId"].ToString();
            string userPass = data["userPass"].ToString();
            string fisier = data["fisier"].ToString();

            var responseString = await FanCourier.ImportAwbIntegrat(username, clientId, userPass, fisier);
            return Ok(responseString);
        catch (Exception ex)
            return (ex);

If i left just one method like this, i can call it from Postman with no problem, but if i try to make another one, like this:


public class FanController : ApiController

    public async Task<object> ImportAwb([FromBody]JObject data) 
            string username = data["username"].ToString();
            string clientId = data["clientId"].ToString();
            string userPass = data["userPass"].ToString();
            string fisier = data["fisier"].ToString();

            var responseString = await FanCourier.ImportAwbIntegrat(username, clientId, userPass, fisier);
            return Ok(responseString);
        catch (Exception ex)
            return (ex);

    public async Task<object> PrintareAwbHtml([FromBody]FanCourier fanCourier)
            var responseString =
                await fanCourier.PrintareAwbHtml(fanCourier);
            return Ok(responseString);
        catch (Exception ex)
            return (ex);


The response from Postman call is:

"Multiple actions were found that match the request: \r\nImportAwb on type Courier.Rest.Controllers.FanController\r\nPrintareAwbHtml on type Courier.Rest.Controllers.FanController"

I was tried to add a [Route("api/[controller]")] before public class FanController : ApiController and the error was change to:

No action was found on the controller 'Fan' that matches the request.

I have tried to find something on the internet but i found nothing to help my situations.

You should define routes for each of your actions so you know which will be called when specific API is called.

Use [Route] tag to accomplish that

    public async Task<object> ImportAwb([FromBody]JObject data) 

And from postman, call your endpoint with url being. http://yoururl.com/Action1 .

(YourUrl would be the path you set up for this controller... might include /api or what you might have configured. Add /Action1 to the end of that url)

You can have multiple routes to the same URL as long as they are different methods (post, get, delete, patch etc.).

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