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C# Unity. Control variable causes loop when value is 2

I have this code, when the variable waveNumer equals 1 the code works just fine, spawns the enemies and all that, but when is 2 Unity crashes. I'm guessing that is entering a weir loop but I cant figure it out why its happening.

        int percentForWave=0;
        int percentForType=0;

        int TotalEnemies = (int)enemySpawnsThisRound;
        if (waveNumer == 1)
            Debug.Log("Entro al wave 1");
            percentForWave = 20;
            percentForType = 20;
            startList = 0;

        if (waveNumer == 2)
            Debug.Log("Entro al wave 2");
            percentForWave = 70;
            percentForType = 70;
            startList = endList;

        if (waveNumer == 3)
            Debug.Log("Entro al wave 3");
            percentForWave = 10;
            percentForType = 10;
            startList = endList;

        int enemiesThisWave = Decimal.ToInt32(Math.Round(TotalEnemies * ((decimal)percentForWave / 100), 1));
        int enemiesForType = Decimal.ToInt32(Math.Round(lenghtList * ((decimal)percentForType / 100), 1));

        endList = enemiesForType + startList;

        clonesASpawnear = new GameObject[enemiesThisWave];
        int i = 0;

        while ( i < clonesASpawnear.Length)

            for (int j = startList; j == endList; j++)
                Debug.Log("Numero j = " + j);
                if (clonesASpawnear[i] == null)

                    clonesASpawnear[i] = Instantiate(enemyTypeList[j], spawnPoints[j].transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
                    clonesASpawnear[i].SetActive(true);//lo activo
                    clonesASpawnear[i].GetComponent<EnemyMovement_DCH>().player = Target;
                    aliveEnemies += 1;
                    clonesASpawnear[i].GetComponent<EnemyDamageHandler_DCH>().SpawnerEnemies = this;



Also It would be usefull if I could see the unity log after the program crashes, but no idea on how to do that.

From here what I can see I see a problem in your for loop's condition statement, see here you have

for (int j = startList; j == endList; j++)

in your condition, you only have a single to get is true . when the value of j is equal to endList since in your for loop j is incrementing each and every iteration your condition will only be true for only one iteration which I guess the first iteration according to you. And if the for loop is not going to iterate value of i which is a control variable of an outer while loop is never going to increment hance your while loop will go to infinite-state where it'll never stop iterating, everything freezes and crash.

as I can read in comment that j < englist immediately result in a crash when j = 1

I would like to have the value of a few of the variables at the time of the crash.

  • clonesASpawnear.Length
  • startList
  • endList
  • i

We ended up solving the issue this way. I post the solution in case anyone is in the same pickle.

 while ( i < clonesASpawnear.Length)

        if(j <= endList)
            Debug.Log("Numero j = " + j);
            //se fija que ya no este en el escenario el que va en ese punto asi no superpone items
            if (clonesASpawnear[i] == null)

                clonesASpawnear[i] = Instantiate(enemyTypeList[j], spawnPoints[j].transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
                clonesASpawnear[i].SetActive(true);//lo activo
                                                   //Aca le asigno el blanco que quiero que siga al spawnear
                clonesASpawnear[i].GetComponent<EnemyMovement_DCH>().player = Target;
                aliveEnemies += 1;
                //aca le asigno este spawner para que pueda afectar luego las variables cuando lo maten por ejemplo
                clonesASpawnear[i].GetComponent<EnemyDamageHandler_DCH>().SpawnerEnemies = this;

            j = startList;

     Debug.Log("Numero i = " + i);



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