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How do I deal with an array of input strings and make them match to an objects array keys even if there is nesting?


For example I have an array of strings:

let inputNames = ['name', 'address[city]', 'address[state]'];

with this sample error object:

  let errors = {
    name: {message:"error in name"},
    address: {
     city: {message:"error in address city"},
     state: {message:"error in address state"}

When looping through names I would like to check the error based on the input name:

  inputNames.forEach(n=> {
    if(typeof errors[n] !== 'undefined') {
    } else {
      console.log('SHOULD have returned value of', errors.address.city);

Keep it simple and use lodash's get function.

const {get} = require("lodash");

let inputNames = ['name', 'address.city', 'address.state'];

let errors = {
  name: {message:"error in name"},
  address: {
   city: {message:"error in address city"},
   state: {message:"error in address state"}

inputNames.forEach(n=> {
  if(get(errors, n)) {
    console.log(get(errors, n));
  } else {
    console.log('SHOULD have returned value of', errors.address.city);

OR you can use plain javascript to achieve this using this function

function get(obj, path) {
  return path.split('.').reduce((parent, child)=> parent && parent[child]||null, obj)

You can use lodash . _.get(obj, key, defaultVal)

 let inputNames = ['name', 'address[city]', 'address[state]']; let errors = { name: {message:"error in name"}, address: { city: {message:"error in address city"}, state: {message:"error in address state"} } }; console.log(_.get(errors, inputNames[1]))
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.15/lodash.min.js"></script>

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