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Emulate reading a tag on an Android phone

Is it possible to inject previously recorded NFC sequences into NFC stack in Android, so that the applications on the phone would think that tags are being read?


Sorry for bad description

I don't have any code I'm just investigating the possibilities here. In short what I want to achieve is this: There is a FGM Sensor Called FreeStyle Libre, which in (v1) can only be read via NFC. I want to create a "dongle" that will read the sensor and forward the raw data to the phone via bluetooth. Some things like that exist but I want to use the original application for it (raw data is processed via specialized algorithm), so the idea for injecting somehow the data from a BLE receiver app into Android stack where the application is running, low level API might not be necessary, perhaps I've overstated the NFC stack. I've read somewhere that I could inject this on with a higher API (NDEF injection something like that).

If you create a custom build of Android, where you modify the OS to introduce security flaws APIs that would allow an app to spoof NFC tags, then yes.

Otherwise, no (unless there happens to be an existing unpatched security flaw somewhere).

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