cost 170 ms
How can I use HCE mode, or even SE?

I have an RFID Card Reader, and whenever I approach my Tizen-based watch to it, it reports a constant ID code of AABBCCDD. I'm trying to create a (pr ...

2021-10-02 19:52:57   1   235    nfc / tizen / hce  
WearOS HCE support

Does anyone know when Google will enable third party app developers to allow using HostCardEmulationService in WearOS ? As of now when I write a WearO ...

Can we emulate NFC cards in iOS 13?

Apple just announced new NFC Core API to public. Here is what they said. Core NFC With Core NFC framework, your apps can now support tag writin ...

2019-06-04 08:26:23   3   24753    ios / nfc / hce  

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