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How to rescale the y-axis of a boxplot in python

I have a boxplot below (using seaborn) where the "box" part is too squashed. How do I change the scale along the y-axis so that the boxplot is more presentable (ie. the "box" part is too squashed) but still keeping all the outliers in the plot?


Many thanks.

You could set the axis after the plot:

import seaborn as sns

df = sns.load_dataset('iris')
a = sns.boxplot(y=df["sepal_length"])

Additionally, you could try dropping outliers from the plot passing showfliers = False in boxplot .

You can do two things here.

  • Make the plot bigger
  • Change the range of the y-axis

Since you want to keep the outliers, rescaling the y-axis may not be that effective. You haven't given any data or code examples. So I'll just add a way to make your figure bigger.

# this script makes the figure bigger and rescale the y-axis
ax = plt.figure(figsize=(20,15))
ax = sns.boxplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

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