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What´s the difference between idxmax() and max() inside a groupby pandas

I have a dataframe with data from many players of different teams. What I wanted was to groupby 'team' and only keep the rows with the max value from height.

When I used this code, I just got the 'Team' label and peoples heights:


df.groupby(['team'], sort=True)['height'].max()


Argentina 199
Australia 193
Belgium 199 (...)

Then I combined the groupby with loc to get the whole information of the players:


This printed the whole rows, but I don´t understand why do I use idxmax() and not max() at the end of the code.

Can anyone explain me the difference?

max() simply returns the maximum value.

idmax() returns the index of the (first occurrence of the) maximum value, not the maximum value itself.

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