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How to override third party module Js widget in custom module in magento 2

Here i'm trying to extend Amasty js widget in my module using mixin. I have created requirejs-config.js file like below

var config = {
    config: {
        mixins: {
            'amShopbyAjax': {
                'vendor_CustomCatalog/js/amasty/amShopbyAjax-override': true

I have created js file like below

], function ($) {
    'use strict';
    var amShopbyWidgetMixin = {
        selectors: {
            category_products_wrapper: '#amasty-shopby-category-product-list',

        reloadHtml: function (data) {
            return this._super();
        callAjax: function (clearUrl, data, pushState, cacheKey, isSorting) {
            return this._super();
    return function (targetWidget) {
        $.widget('custom.amShopbyAjax', targetWidget, amShopbyWidgetMixin);
        return $.custom.amShopbyAjax;

After that I ran sudo bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f and clear cache then I am getting "Uncaught TypeError: base is not a constructor" error

Think that you should change custom.amShopbyAjax to mage.amShopbyAjax

return function (targetWidget) {
    $.widget('mage.amShopbyAjax', targetWidget, amShopbyWidgetMixin);
    return $.mage.amShopbyAjax;

The widget alias should be like for the target widget and the widget by parent alias should be returned

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