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why supervisor gunicorn shows fatal error command not found?

when i check status(sudo supervisorctl status) it is shwoing like this

guni:gunicorn                    FATAL     can't find command 

and my gunicorn conf is like this

command=/home/ubuntu/myvenv/js/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:/home/ubuntu/js/app.sock 

after this when i check status it shows an error like this

guni:gunicorn                    FATAL     can't find command 

After installing gunicorn use below command

whereis gunicorn

It will give exact path where gunicorn located, then use that path in your gunicorn conf file. Happy coding!!

I think that the issue is with the third line of your configuration file. The error message indicates that the gunicorn executable is not available in the /home/ubuntu/myvenv/js/bin directory. If you do ls /home/ubuntu/myvenv/js/bin/gunicorn you probably will get an error message.

I think you would need to check if you have correctly installed gunicorn in your virtual environment, using eg pip install gunicorn . Have a look at this article ; I think it would be helpful.

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