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Read multiple properties file in one go using Spring Boot?

I went through the link: How to pass a Map<String, String> with application.properties and other related links multiple times, but still its not working.

I'm using Spring Boot and Spring REST example. Link Question: How to by default execute the latest version of endpoint in Spring Boot REST? .

I've created mapping something like this and simply read the mapping

get.customers={GET: '/app-data/customers', VERSION: 'v1'}
post.customers={POST: '/app-data/customers', VERSION: 'v1'}
get.customers.custId={GET: '/app-data/customers/{custId}', VERSION: 'v2'}


private String resolveLastVersion() {
   // read from configuration or something
    return "2";


public class PriorityProcessor {

    private final Map<String, String> priorityMap = new HashMap<>();

    public Map<String, String> getPriority() {
        return priorityMap;


I suggest the following implementation:

public class ConfigurationProps {
    private List<Mapping> mapping;

    public List<Mapping> getMapping() {
        return mapping;

    public void setMapping(List<Mapping> mapping) {
        this.mapping = mapping;

Class Mapping will denote the information about the single mapping:

public class Mapping {
    private String method;
    private String url;
    private String version;

    public Mapping(String method, String url, String version) {
        this.method = method;
        this.url = url;
        this.version = version;

    public Mapping() {

    // getters setters here

On the Configuration or spring boot application class (the one with main method): @EnableConfigurationProperties(ConfigurationProps.class)

In the properties file put:



In Filter (I assume you followed my suggestion from the linked question):

    public class LatestVersionFilter implements Filter {

       private List<Mapping> mappings;

       public LatestVersionFilter(ConfigurationProps props) {
          this.mappings = props.getMapping();

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