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trying to send value from front end javascript to backend c# using ajax call,but the value is getting NULL in backend,i don't know where i did mistake


What will be the value in the textbox that value should be sent to the backend? I think the issue with the call, but I don't where it is


function employeeLeavesList() {
                        var emp = {}
                        emp.EMPID = $("#employid").val();
                            url: 'service.asmx/employee_leaveslist',
                            data: JSON.stringify(emp),
                            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                            dataType: "json",
                            success: function (data) {}



public class emp
    public string EMPID { get; set; }


        public void employee_leaveslist()
            emp emp = new emp();
            List<employee_leave_list> list = new List<employee_leave_list>();
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source = Champ; Initial Catalog = sample; Integrated Security = True");
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select emp_id,leaves_form, leaves_upto, leave_type, description, status, no_of_leaves from leaverequest where emp_id = '" + emp.EMPID + "' ", connection);
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            SqlDataReader idr = cmd.ExecuteReader();


First, modify the 'data' parameter of your $.ajax() call as below,

data: { empid : $('#employid').val() },

Then, modify the first line of webmethod employee_leaveslist(),

emp emp = new emp(){ EMPID  = (string)Request.Form["empid"] };

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