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How can I send a file and a string to my backend C# from JQuery Ajax?

My UI has one input for uploading file and one input for the file's name.

I want to get both file and its name from user at the same ajax request and upload the file with the gotten name to my server.

the question is how can I get both file (binary) and the file's name from user at the same request ?

here is my try but results in 400 error.

Function in C#:

public IActionResult UploadImage(IFormFile upload, string fileWithName)
      //some code here

and here is my ajax:

$("#startUploading").on("click",function() {

            var fileInput = $.trim($("#myfile").val());

            var formData = new FormData();
            formData.append('upload', $('#myfile')[0].files[0]);
            formData.append('pathWithName', $("#fileAddressUploadTo").val());

                url: apiUrl+'/api/V1/Servers/UploadImage',
                type: 'POST',
                data: formData,
                beforeSend: function (xhr) {
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token'));
                cache: false,
                processData: false,
                contentType: false


400 error means bad request, but per my test I found it worked for me. So I'm afraid the issue in your code may relate to $('#myfile')[0].files[0] , see my code below

    <input type="file" id="uploadFile" />
    <button id="btn4">upload</button>

    var form = new FormData();
    var temp = $('#uploadFile').prop('files');
        url: 'https://localhost:44321/hello/upload',
        type: 'POST',
        data: form,
        contentType:false,//stop jquery auto convert form type to default x-www-form-urlencoded
        success: function (d) {

public string upload(IFormFile file, string name) { 
    return "hello";


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