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Manipulating a column in pandas dataframe

I have a pandas dataframe as below:

data = {'A' : [1,2,3], 
        'B' : [2,17,17], 
        'C1' : ["C1", np.nan,np.nan],
        'C2' : ["C2", "C2",np.nan]} 

# Create DataFrame 
df = pd.DataFrame(data) 


    A   B   C1  C2
0   1   2   C1  C2
1   2   17  NaN C2
2   3   17  NaN NaN

I am creating a variable "C" based on the below logic and code

If any of C's(C1, C2, C3..) has the value "C"= value from C's(C1, C2, C3....).

df['C'] = df.filter(regex='C\d+').stack().groupby(level=0).agg(','.join)


    A   B   C1  C2  C
0   1   2   C1  C2  C1,C2
1   2   17  NaN C2  C2
2   3   17  NaN NaN NaN

Now, I want to perform below logic

If "C" has more than 1 values(say C1, C2) for any row, create a new row and append 2nd value. So I want my output to look like below:

    A   B   C1  C2  C
0   1   2   C1  C2  C1
0   1   2   C1  C2  C2
1   2   17  NaN C2  C2
2   3   17  NaN NaN NaN

We can do it by use explode then concat

     C  A   B   C1   C2
0   C1  1   2   C1   C2
1   C2  1   2   C1   C2
2   C2  2  17  NaN   C2
3  NaN  3  17  NaN  NaN

you could do:

 df.merge(df.melt(['A','B'],value_name= 'C').dropna().drop('variable',axis = 1),how = "left")
   A   B   C1   C2    C
0  1   2   C1   C2   C1
1  1   2   C1   C2   C2
2  2  17  NaN   C2   C2
3  3  17  NaN  NaN  NaN

You can just df.explode(...) , try:

#please note I aggregate it into list, not string
df['C'] = df.filter(regex='C\d+').stack().groupby(level=0).agg(list)



   A   B   C1   C2    C
0  1   2   C1   C2   C1
0  1   2   C1   C2   C2
1  2  17  NaN   C2   C2
2  3  17  NaN  NaN  NaN

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